Seafood feast with multiple seafood entrees

Important Nutrients in Seafood that are Hard to Get from Other Sources

Key Points

Seafood is full of nutrients that keep you healthy


Seafood plays a large role in the diets of the top 10 healthiest countries. Countries like Japan, Italy, and Australia eat lots of fish and shellfish and have longer lifespans and fewer health risks than Americans. Seafood is full of nutrients essential that are good for your health. It’s also low in calories and saturated fats. Bonus!

Seafood Contains 5 of 6 Hardest Vitamins to Get Enough Of

According to health experts, six essential vitamins that most Americans don’t get enough of are vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, vitamin K, iodine, and vitamin B12. You can get all these vitamins except for vitamin K (which is primarily found in leafy greens and spices) by eating seafood. Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and halibut are especially rich in these nutrients.

Many people take fish oil capsules to reap the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. Medical studies suggest that eating seafood is more beneficial than taking a supplement. In fact, The American Heart Association recommends eating two servings of non-fried fish per week to reduce your risk of congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke, and sudden cardiac death. 

Eating fatty fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids regularly can also reduce your risk of mental decline as you age. 

When you eat boiled or steamed seafood, instead of taking a fish oil supplement, you benefit from essential nutrients that are hard to get, like vitamin D, magnesium, iodine, and vitamin B12. These four essential nutrients play a vital role in regulating your energy, metabolism, hormones, and more. 

Your body needs vitamin D to support your immune system, strengthen bones, and produce energy to power you through your day. 

Magnesium plays a vital role in over 300 metabolic functions, from stabilizing blood sugar to reducing blood pressure and regulating your heart’s rhythm. 

Your thyroid, which regulates your hormones, needs iodine to operate. 

You need vitamin B12 to have healthy blood cells and nerves. There aren’t many dietary sources of these vital vitamins in the food we eat, but you can get all of them from eating seafood regularly.

Along with the top five hard-to-get vitamins, there are a handful of other nutrients in seafood. Fish and shellfish are also excellent sources of high-quality minerals including protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, and riboflavin (vitamin B2).

Top Health Benefits of Eating Seafood

Studies suggest that the top health benefits of eating seafood twice a week include:

  • A healthy heart with lower blood pressure and reduced risk of abnormal heart rhythms, stroke, heart attack, and sudden death.
  • Improved mental health and reduced risk of depression, ADHD, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Reduced inflammation and decreased risk of diabetes and arthritis.
  • Healthy brain, nerve, and vision development in infants and young children.
  • Mental acuity as you age.

Let’s Eat More Seafood!

It’s hard to deny the evidence that eating seafood plays a vital role in a healthy diet. We know that eating well can be tough, especially during the coldest time of the year. Daiquiri Depot is the best place to get fresh lobster, crab legs, oysters, shrimp, and more.

See our seafood menu.

By Leslie Radford
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